When choosing functional furniture, we often prioritize items that are affordable and serve their purpose, without much consideration for design. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in how these items are made, particularly the materials used. People are becoming more conscious of their personal carbon footprint and consumption habits.

The original Stump stool from Derlot had a bold and minimalist design. The latest version, Stump Recycled, maintains the same basic structure but is now crafted from 80% recycled post-industrial plastic LDPE. If you prefer sustainable furniture, this option is a good fit.

The material used in making the stool also brings a different design element. The patterns on the stools now have a terrazzo-like design, adding texture and a colorful appearance. Unlike the original Stump stools with solid colors, the new version offers a seat with a kaleidoscope-like finish. It’s a fresh interpretation of using recycled materials to enhance design.

According to Derlot, this stool represents more than just a seat; it symbolizes their dedication to advancing sustainable design and production. While it may not be the most comfortable or spacious, it’s an intriguing piece of furniture for those prioritizing sustainability.